The aerospace industry allows no compromise or negligence regarding safety and this means strict standards must be in place. As the standards-setting industry leader, SAE has published more than 6,400 technical documents for the aerospace industry.


The are more than one billion automobiles on the road worldwide, and safety in the automotive industry is highly important and highly regulated SAE has pub- lished more than 1,600 technical standards and recom- mended practices for passenger cars.


The commercial vehicle industry provides an essential service by transporting materials and finished products over land. SAE helps these efforts by being actively engaged in relevant, emerging technology areas enabling us to be the 'first to market' with comprehensive, industry-leading, ground vehicle standards in fields such as cybersecurity, active safety and connected/automated vehicles. 


SAE Atlanta Corporate Sponsorship Program

Gold SAE Atlanta Chapter Sponsor $1,000

  • Company logo on SAE Atlanta Section Website
  • Company logo on SAE banner that is on display at events
  • Called out Recognition at Events
  • Participation/Access to Student Career Connection
  • Event Sponsorship Recognition on Invitations
  • Free Display Space (Booth) at Main Events

Silver SAE Atlanta Chapter Sponsor $500

  • Company logo on SAE Atlanta Section Website
  • Company logo on SAE banner that is on display at events
  • Called out Recognition at Events
  • Event Sponsorship Recognition on Invitations


  • Company logo on SAE Atlanta Section Website
  • Company logo on SAE banner that is on display at events
  • General Recognition at Events